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Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

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Feature Update: Contract Manager Dashboard

At Procurated, we are focused on providing the procurement community with the clearest possible picture of supplier performance. In addition to Procurated's nearly 50,000 reviews of tens of thousands of government suppliers - free to access for all public, higher-ed, and nonprofit professionals - our team has been hard at work building new tools for contract managers and buyers to gain deeper supplier performance insights.

The Contract Manager Dashboard

For the last few months, some of our key partners have been using the first version of our new Contract Manager Dashboard tool. This functionality creates a focused space within the contract manager's Procurated account where they can see supplier performance insights that are directly tied to their agency or organization's contracts, which isn't possible to glean from viewing a supplier's profile alone.

In this dashboard, a contract manager is able to select one of their specific contracts or contract vehicles. The dashboard will pull in review data for any suppliers available on that contract, their overall Procurated star rating, but more importantly - the dashboard will provide an average rating for that supplier's performance exclusively on their contract.

Why this is useful:
  • Contract Managers can see exactly how suppliers are performing based on direct feedback from their end users - including scoring breakdowns on qualities including Customer Service, Pricing/Value, Quality, and Timeliness. This gives contract managers the power to identify performance issues early, pinpoint the nature of those issues, and address them promptly.
  • Contract Managers can see how their suppliers are performing in comparison to other suppliers on a contract. This gives managers chips at the negotiating table and talking points for quarterly business reviews that turn those meetings from an exercise in box checking into valuable collaboration opportunities.
  • Contract Managers can see how suppliers are performing for them vs. their ratings from the broader procurement community. This can help agencies to make sure they are getting the best from their suppliers.
  • Reviews from your end-users help their agency and contribute to the shared knowledge of the broader procurement community. Contract Managers benefit from the insights provided by their colleagues. But those insights also enable stronger, more informed purchasing decisions for every public, higher-ed, or nonprofit purchaser considering that supplier.

What's New?

First, we have expanded and improved the contract linking functionality within our platform. Now, when reviewing a supplier, the reviewer is able to select the specific contract vehicle (e.g. NASPO ValuePoint) and Contract (e.g. Facilities MRO and Industrial Supplies). This allows us to more accurately tie review data back to contracts.

Second, based on the feedback from our partners using the initial version of our Contract Manager Dashboard, as well as the significant interest expressed when discussing the tool with our procurement colleagues at trade shows around the country, we are making the Contract Manager Dashboard available, completely free for all of our partners.

We believe that purchasers and contract managers should have the best, most accurate and up-to-date picture of contract performance when making purchasing and contract renewal decisions. Giving our partners a tool like the Contract Manager Dashboard is the next step towards that goal. If you would like a demonstration of this new functionality or want to learn about becoming a Procurated partner, please reach out to our community team at Community@Procurated.com

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Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

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