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7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Reviewing a Supplier

You’ve just logged on to Procurated and are getting ready to leave a supplier review. Nice! 

Whether you work with one supplier or one hundred, there are probably a lot of thoughts swimming around your head right about now. Who should I review first? What should I say?  

If you are experiencing this common ‘reviewer’s block,’ you’re not alone. Being specific is one of the key aspects of a great review. Ask yourself one (or many) of these questions to jog your memory of supplier experiences. They will just about write the review for you! 

1. Is there a supplier that has exceptional customer service, or one that you dread dealing with? 

Show proof of customer service in action, like this review of a medical products supplier:  

“Great customer service. If I have to call them late on a Friday because someone is coming in, they are usually here in about an hour.” 

2. Is there a supplier with exceptional and consistent timeliness, or one that is routinely behind schedule? 

This one reviewer was not satisfied with the timeliness of this telecommunications company: 

“They are slow to fix things. Getting to the right person is difficult and the internet is slow.” 

3. Do any of your suppliers charge above-market pricing? Are there any that give noteworthy quantity discounts?  

Says this one PA-based review,  

“If you buy on state contract, the pricing is unbelievably good on some vehicles, sometimes 20% less than list price. “ 

4. Think of the last time the quality of a product or service exceeded, or missed, your expectations. What occurred to create that positive, or negative, experience? 

Regarding a car dealership, this reviewer shared:  

“The...vehicle has had some issues, we feel that we are having to replace parts like the tie rods more frequently than we should have to.” 

5. Think of a time something out of your control (weather, policy change, etc.) threw a wrench in a project. How did the supplier respond? 

This one review shares how their contact reacted to an unexpected procurement delay:  

“They were able to take care of our needs. There was a delay during the procurement process, and they held the vehicle for a month, and the vehicle was exactly what we wanted.”  

6. Mistakes are inevitable. Think of a time a vendor made an error – how did they react in the following hours and days?  

This review shares how their customer service contact at one of their suppliers handles an inventory shortage: 

“She is always willing to help out. If items aren't available, she will find a substitute for me.” 

7. Is there a supplier whose expertise adds value to your project? Or, a supplier whose lack of expertise threatens the project’s success? 

This review gives insight into why the quality is superior to other suppliers: 

“[The Supplier] makes aluminum box culverts. They are the engineer and the manufacturer, so they make a very good product.” 

What review will you write?

Sharing specific experiences and details gives your peers in procurement the best possible insight into working with a supplier. Now that these experiences are top of mind, it’s time to leave a review. Just write a quick summary of your experience and add a star rating. Done! 

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Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

Write and read reviews, find new suppliers, manage vendor performance and more!